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Privacy Policy

Effective from 01/08/2024

SAV GROUP (“SAV GROUP”, “our”, “we” and “us”) and our partners respect your privacy.  

We kindly ask you to read this privacy policy carefully to understand how your personal data is collected, processed and stored when you use the present website, accessible via the url in accordance with the various regulations in force, and in particular:  

  • Regulation no. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (known as the “ GDPR ”) ;
  • French law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms (known as the “Loi Informatique et Libertés”).  

In this respect, SAV GROUP provides any individual of legal age (hereinafter “the User”, “you”, “your”) who consults the website (hereinafter the “Site”) with the present Privacy Policy.  

All personal data collected on this website is processed under the responsibility of SAV GROUP, a SAS with share capital of €975634.20, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 513781526, and headquartered at 111 Rue du Château des Rentiers 75013 Paris France.  

SAV GROUP is therefore responsible for the processing of personal data within the meaning of the regulations applicable to personal data.   

This privacy policy describes :

  1. What personal data is collected by SAV GROUP
  1. On what legal grounds and for what purposes is your personal data processed
  1. How long  is your personal data kept
  1. How SAV GROUP shares your personal data
  1. How SAV GROUP protects your personal data
  1. Where SAV GROUP hosts and transfers your personal data
  1. How you can exercise your rights regarding your personal data
  1. Updates to the privacy policy
  1. How to contact us


I. What personal data is collected by SAV GROUP

When using the Site, the information transmitted by the User contains the following types of data in particular:  

  • Identification data - when you fill in a form on the Site.  
  • Contact data - when you provide your business contact details for a contact request (demonstration, contact, documentation download, etc.).
  • Browsing data - when you browse the Site using computer cookies.  
  • Professional data - when you communicate your company name, professional e-mail address and job title;  

Access to or use of certain services offered on the Site requires the User to communicate Data.  

SAV GROUP may collect the following personal data, depending on the purpose:

Collected data
Access to your customer account   

First and last name

Professional e-mail address



First and last name

Professional e-mail


Any other personal information you wish to include in your message   

Request a demo   

First and last name

Professional e-mail address

Phone number

Company name   

Download case studies and ebooks   

First and last name

Professional e-mail

Job title (optional)

Company name   

Access to webinar replay   

First and last name

Professional e-mail

Job title (optional)

Telephone number (optional)

Company name   

Newsletter subscription    Email address   

IP address

Navigation data   

II. On what legal grounds and for what purposes your personal data is processed

SAV GROUP may use your personal data for the following purposes:   

  1. Publish and manage your opinions and/or comments left on the website
  1. to send you our newsletter, if you have subscribed to it
  1. to respond to your contact request made through our website 
  1. allow you to download our documentation  

We collect and process your Personal Data in compliance with the Regulations and only within the framework of the following legal bases:  

  • When this is necessary for a pre-contractual request or the execution of a contract concluded with you (request for a demonstration, access to your customer area, making contact);  
  • When necessary to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. drawing up quotations);  
  • When you have expressly consented to the processing of your personal data (newsletter, access to available documentation);  
  • When necessary to protect our legitimate interests: to detect, investigate and prevent technical problems or fraud, to protect data security, or for commercial prospecting aimed at professionals.  

You may withdraw this consent at any time and ask us to delete your information and stop contacting you.  

III. How long is your personal data kept

SAV GROUP processes your personal data only for as long as is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Once this period has elapsed, the personal data is automatically deleted.  

The different retention periods for personal data are listed in the table below.

Retention periods
Demo request

For the time necessary to process the request or for a maximum period of six (6) months from the date of your request 

Contact us

For the time necessary to process the request or for a maximum period of six (6) months from the date of your request. 

Access to your customer account

For the entire duration of the contract, and for a maximum period of one (1) year from the end of the contract. 

Download case studies and ebooks

Six (6) months from the date of the download request. 

Access to webinar replays

Six (6) months from the date of the replay access request. 

Newsletter Subscription Until the unsubscribe request or for a maximum period of three years from the date of registration.

Up to thirteen (13) months for the placement of certain cookies and twenty-four (24) months for the data obtained from those cookies. 

IV. How SAV GROUP shares your personal data

Within SAV GROUP, and with regard to each processing purpose, personal data concerning you is collected, processed and stored by authorized SAV GROUP personnel, the sole recipient of personal data, solely within the scope of their respective competences, and in particular by the customer service, marketing and IT departments.  

We do not share personal data with other companies, organizations and individuals, unless one of the following circumstances applies:

1) Sharing with prior consent: after obtaining your consent, SAV GROUP will share the information you have authorized with the specific third parties or categories of third parties informed when collecting your consent. 

2) Sharing with our service providers: SAV GROUP may also disclose your information to companies that provide services for us or on our behalf where this is strictly necessary. These service providers include companies that provide IT services such as our web host or email service provider, product delivery services, or marketing activities on our behalf. These service providers may use your information solely for the purpose of providing services to you on behalf of SAV GROUP.  

3) In execution of a legal obligation, sharing in accordance with laws and regulations: SAV GROUP, may share your information as stipulated by laws and regulations, in order to resolve legal disputes, or as stipulated by judicial or administrative authorities under the law.  

SAV GROUP will ensure the legality of any sharing of personal data via data processing clauses with companies with whom your personal data is shared, obliging them to comply with this privacy policy and to take appropriate security and confidentiality measures when processing personal data.

V. How SAV GROUP protects your personal data

SAV GROUP is committed to the security of your personal data and has adopted industry-standard practices to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss.   

We have also taken the necessary precautions to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data, and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized persons.  

SAV GROUP also adopts the following organizational measures:  

1) We adopt reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that personal data collected is minimal and relevant as necessary, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed.  

2) We keep your personal data only for as long as is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is to be processed, unless the retention of your data is required or permitted by law.   

3) We deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal data.   

In the event of a personal data breach, SAV GROUP will comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the notification of personal data breaches to the competent supervisory authorities and/or the persons concerned.   

VI. Where SAV GROUP hosts and transfers your personal data

Your personal data resulting from your interactions on the Site will be hosted within the hosting infrastructures of our host, Amazon, located in the United States. Our software's personal data is hosted in Europe by Microsoft Azure.  

Certain third parties to whom we communicate your personal data are located in countries outside the European Union, notably in the United States.  

Where such transfers exist, we ensure that these transfers of personal data are governed by the applicable regulations in order to ensure an adequate level of data protection, either by an adequacy decision of the European Commission, or through legal instruments such as data transfer contracts incorporating the European Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses.  

If you have any queries about our recipients and transfers of data outside the European Union, please contact us at the addresses given in the “How to contact us” section below.   

VII. How you can exercise your rights regarding your personal data

You have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit and object to the processing of your personal data, as well as the right to define instructions concerning the fate of your data after your death and the right to the portability of your personal data.  

You may contact us at any time at the addresses indicated in the “How to contact us” section below in order to exercise your rights with regard to personal data under the conditions laid down by the applicable regulations. You must indicate which right you wish to exercise and provide all the details necessary for us to respond to your request.

These rights are exercised in accordance with applicable regulations.   

  • The right of access means that you can ask us, at any time, to access the personal data we process concerning you or to inform you if we process personal data concerning you and, if so, to inform you of the personal data concerned as well as the characteristics of the processing carried out.  
  • The right of rectification means that you can ask us to rectify your personal data if it is inaccurate or incorrect. You may also request that your personal data, if incomplete, be completed insofar as this is relevant to the purpose of the processing in question.  
  • The right to erasure means that you may request the erasure of your personal data, in particular when:   
    • (i)Their retention is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;
    • (ii) Your personal data is processed on the basis of your consent, you wish to withdraw this consent, and there is no other legal basis to justify the processing;
    • (iii) You have objected to the processing of your personal data and therefore wish it to be deleted;
    • (iv) Your personal data has been processed unlawfully; 
    • (v) Your personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under either European Union law or French law.
  • The right to restriction means that you can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data:  
    • (i) If you dispute the accuracy of your personal data for a period of time that allows us to verify its accuracy;
    • (ii) When, following processing that has been established as non-compliant, you prefer the restriction of processing to the complete erasure of your personal data;
    • (iii) when we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of processing, but it is still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; 
    • (iv) when you have objected to the processing of your personal data and you wish us to restrict processing for a period of time that allows us to verify whether the legitimate reason you invoke is justified. 
  • Restriction of processing means that the processing of your personal data is limited to the storage of your personal data. We will not carry out any further operations on the personal data in question.
  • The right to object means that you may object to the processing of your personal data, where such processing is based on the pursuit of SAV GROUP's legitimate interests. The right to object is exercised subject to justification of a legitimate reason relating to your particular situation. We will then cease the processing in question unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for continuing it in accordance with the applicable regulations. 
  • The right to define directives concerning the fate of your data after your death allows you to make known your instructions concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death.  
  • The right to portability means that you can ask us, under the conditions laid down by the applicable regulations, to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to you, or to ask us to transmit it directly to a third party of your choice where this is legally and technically possible.  

Where we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the addresses given in the “How to contact us” section, or by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each of our communications.   

However, withdrawal of your consent does not affect the validity of the processing carried out prior to such withdrawal.  

If you are not satisfied with SAV GROUP's response to a request to exercise your rights, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL by post (CNIL - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07) or on its website (  

VIII. Updates to the privacy policy

SAV GROUP reserves the right at any time to modify or update, in whole or in part, the present privacy policy, due to changes in the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data or the data processing carried out.   

Any substantial modification of the privacy policy will be notified to you by e-mail when you have provided us with a valid e-mail address and will be published on the website. We recommend that you regularly read this privacy policy so that you are fully aware of our commitments in terms of security and protection of your personal data.

IX. How to contact us  

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us by visiting the contact us page or by submitting them to:

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